Liquid De-Icing

Liquid Anti & De-Icing Application

Liquid application applied the same day, same conditions.

Liquid De-Icing - Rock salt compare

Typical ROCK SALT Application

Liquid Anti & De-Icing Application

Keep your parking lots and walkways clear of snow this winter.

For Industrial/Commercial Properties.

Increase safety & reduce the negative effect of salt on the environment.

Liquid anti-icing (Brine) is a proactive approach to maintaining parking lots and walkways.

Anti-icing can be applied up to 24 hrs before a predicted storm to help prevent snow and ice from bonding to the pavement. It also makes for faster clean-up during and after the storm.

Why Use Liquid Brine vs Rock Salt?

  • Liquid brine, due to the volume, costs about 30% less than regular rock salt would cost, which gives brine a big advantage. This cost-saving really does add up when de-icing large areas at scale.

    Liquid anti-icing is also a time and labor-saving strategy, which can drastically cut costs. Application is quick and can be done during normal working hours, which reduces expensive overtime costs. After a storm, clean-up is much faster since anti-icing prevents snow and ice from sticking to pavements.

  • When it comes to controlling ice, accuracy is incredibly important. It’s very easy for rock salt to not be applied evenly. And even missing just one small patch of ice can create a major issue for a pedestrian or a vehicle.

    With a liquid salt brine, it gets distributed as evenly as possible so that the chances of ice patches remaining are very small.

    Liquid brine won’t harm leather, fabric, or skin through contact, or pets if consumed.

  • Traditional rock salt can make its way into lakes and other waterways, burn the landscape, and have other negative implications.

    Because liquid brine uses only a fraction of salt, it is much less harsh on the environment. In fact, one truckload of brine will cover up to 4 truckloads of salt. The liquid material also stays in place. Working where it’s needed and greatly reducing the risk of leaching and negatively affecting the environment.

  • Rock salt alone requires moisture to be effective, and with liquid brine, the catalyst for salt is already included.

    Anti-icing applies stripes of liquid chemical to roads and parking lots. Liquids work better than solids at preventing and breaking the bond between ice and pavement. Also, liquids stay instead of bouncing off like solid rock salt often does.